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Why A Healthy Liver Is The Secret To Losing Weight

When it comes to weight loss, there’s one thing I hear over and over again.

Nothing works and I’ve tried everything!

No matter how much you restrict calories, the weight won’t budge. If anything, it keeps creeping up. You’re doing everything the weight loss gurus tell you to do but your weight is going in the wrong direction and you feel awful.

Does this sound familiar?

Now let me ask you a quick question.

What are you doing to help your liver to be as healthy as possible?

If the answer is ‘hardly anything’ or ‘nothing’, you may be wondering what your liver has to do with your weight?

Your liver may be something you sometimes think about when you’re drinking alcohol but most of us pay little attention to it otherwise.

This is a huge weight loss mistake as an unhealthy liver is one of the most common (and overlooked!) reasons for not losing weight.

Find out why in the rest of this blog.

A healthy liver is key for weight loss

If your liver is unhealthy, it’s going to be difficult (or even impossible) to lose weight due to toxicity in the body.

Why? Because the liver is a fat-burning organ that plays a huge role in fat metabolism. In fact, it’s involved in almost every metabolic process in the body, which will ultimately influence how easy it is to lose weight and keep it off.

One of the liver’s many roles in the body is to help remove excess fat from the body via bile. If this is working well, fat can be carried out of the body via the digestive tract.

But if you don’t have enough bile to do this, the process is compromised. Alongside this, the lack of bile can also impact the balance of your gut bacteria (leading to dysbiosis) and increase cravings for sugar and carbs.

Those constant cravings aren’t the result of rubbish willpower. It’s much more likely to be part of a vicious cycle that starts with your liver health.

Your gut bugs are likely highly addicted to sugar and carbs and no amount of willpower will overcome this.

You may never have linked your cravings and digestive issues to liver health but it’s absolutely key for managing your weight.

The liver also helps to regulate hunger hormones and thyroid hormones. The latter is crucial for metabolism and goes hand in hand with a healthy liver. If you’re supporting your liver health, you’ll be supporting your thyroid too (and vice versa).

The bottom line? You need to help your liver to function at its best to support weight loss.

If you have belly fat and feel sluggish all the time, it’s a good idea to look at your liver health and see how you can better support it. I also highly recommend giving your liver plenty of life if you’re struggling with sleep problems, brain fog, skin problems, digestive issues and reflux as the liver can play a key role in these types of symptoms too.

What affects the liver’s role in weight loss?

Exposure to toxins is one of the biggest reasons why the liver can’t support weight loss.

Toxins are absolutely everywhere and it’s very difficult to avoid them. They can be found in foods, medications, cosmetics, fragrances, health and beauty products, cleaning products and even in the air we breathe.

It may be difficult to completely remove your exposure to toxins but you can reduce the pressure on the liver so that it can deal with them more efficiently.

If your liver is overloaded with toxins, it results in sugar being stored as fat and higher inflammation levels.

It also means that your liver isn’t detoxing properly, giving toxins the opportunity to impact at cellular level. One of the big side effects of this is your metabolism crawling to a halt, which often means that energy and fat burning also hits rock bottom.

When your liver is overworked and toxins are constantly building up in the body, it can also increase a type of inflammation that’s linked to obesity - especially belly fat.

Now your fatigue and sluggish metabolism make sense, right? And you can understand why calorie restriction and overexercising don’t lead to weight loss - not while your body isn’t being supported

Is it time to give your liver more love?

If you’ve tried all of the mainstream weight loss hacks and seen little to no progress, it’s likely because your liver is struggling to cope.

But here’s the good news - even if your liver is currently unhealthy, you can reverse it. The liver is a regenerative organ and it can become healthier with the right support.

The first step is to reduce pressure on the liver so it’s no longer overloaded and struggling to cope.

This ‘metabolic reset’ is a short-term ‘circuit breaker’ that starts to change how your body responds to toxins. With far less pressure on the liver, your body can begin to move into a place where weight loss can happen.

Doing this circuit breaker for less than 2 weeks can not only kickstart your weight loss journey - it’s also a great way to boost your energy levels, banish cravings, say goodbye to brain fog, reduce bloating, and improve the quality and duration of your sleep.

These are some of the changes that can happen when you start to detox your liver for weight loss.

Are you ready to take the first big step towards sustainable weight loss that actually works?

Join me inside my 10-Day Kickstart Program, which begins on Monday 30th January 2023.

Over the following 10 days, you can finally break free from the toxic overload that has been hindering your weight loss efforts and give your liver the support it needs.

Imagine this … in less than two weeks, you can start to say goodbye to the niggling symptoms that have been making life miserable and kickstart your weight loss.

If this sounds good, I’d love to support you inside the mini programme.

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