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  • Writer's picturecatherinesteel01

The Biggest Myths About Sugar

Tell me if this sounds familiar?

You find yourself grabbing a coffee (preferably large and with extra sugar) by mid-morning to help you get an energy boost.

By the time it gets to 3 pm, you’re reaching for the biscuits for another energy lift.

In between, you can’t ignore the sweet treats doing the rounds at work.

In the evening, you’re munching chocolate in front of the TV to help deal with the day's stresses.

Maybe you’re even sneaking leftovers or snacks from the kids as an extra treat.

It all adds up to a lot of sugar.

If you’re reading this blog post, you’re already thinking about breaking up with sugar but the prospect probably feels daunting and almost impossible.

Part of this is down to the myths that you likely hold about sugar and your ability to change your relationship with it.

Keep reading to see some of the most common myths about sugar and the real truth.

Myth #1 - You’re Not Cut Out To Quit Sugar

I’m addicted to sugar so I’ll never be able to quit

It’s too hard so there’s no point trying

I’ll never lose weight because this is just who I am

Do you ever have thoughts like these?

It’s so common and it often leads to a very vicious cycle.

You feel useless so you keep eating sugar (and maybe adopt a few more unhealthy habits as well), which results in more cravings, weight gain and thinking you’re a failure . And so the cycle continues.

But you can change this cycle because it’s not all about willpower.

The reason that sugar can be so addictive is that it changes the way that the brain works, especially when you’re eating a lot of it. The more sugar you eat, the more you ‘need’ to keep releasing feel-good chemicals such as dopamine.

Willpower only goes so far. We also want to be eating nutrients that help the body to quit sugar.

Myth #2 -You Don’t Eat Enough Sugar To Need To Quit

Sugar is everywhere - not just in the obvious sources. Even if you stop eating chocolate, biscuits and the like, your sugar intake won’t drop to zero. Even so-called ‘healthy’ foods are often loaded with sugar too.

If you check the ingredients, you’ll often see sugar as one of the first in the list. It won’t necessarily be listed as sugar though. You may see names such as sucrose, maltose, fructose, dextrose, corn syrup or rice malt syrup, for example. These all mean sugar and if you’re looking to break up with sugar, it pays to know the different guises that sugar may show up as.

Myth #3 - Avoiding Certain Foods Is The Best Solution

When you’re quitting sugar, you probably assume that it’s all about cutting out foods. But in reality, you don’t even need to avoid your favourite desserts. Instead, you can just swap them for healthier versions that don’t contain the same amount of added sugars. Doesn’t that feel so much more manageable?

Rather than cutting things out, what can you add in?

Adding more foods that are naturally low in sugar such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains can be much easier to maintain than cutting out lots of foods. And it provides all-important nutrients that are all but non-existent in most foods with added sugars.

Myth #4 - All Sugar Is Bad

There’s a huge difference between the natural sugars found in fruit and the added sugars that are harmful to your health. Most of us are eating too much added sugar, which is the big problem. This is the type of sugar we want to be consuming less of, especially from a weight perspective.

Myth #5 - Fruit Is The Enemy

One of the foods that you may feel you’ll have to quit is fruit. But fruit is a source of naturally occurring fructose, which is a million miles from the added sugars that we know are harmful.

Fruit is also a great source of nutrients and can reduce inflammation in the body. We just need to eat this in moderation and with some protein and fat so it doesn’t spike our blood sugar levels. Added sugar, on the other hand, has very little nutrition (if any).

Are you ready to learn how to switch off this weight-loss blocker for good?

Join my free, Masterclass to get the ball rolling.

3 Steps To Switch Off Weight Loss Blockers & Turn On Weight Loss Activators

You’ll discover how to gain control of your sugar addiction and understand how to address other weight loss blockers.

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By the end of the training, you can identify what may stop you from supporting weight loss, despite your hard work. And what you can focus on instead to get results.

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